
An interface is syntactically much like an abstract class, but with no constructors, method bodies, or instance variables. There is no trace of an implementation in an interface. An interface can be used to define a restricted view of a group of objects, or to specify a minimal set of features a group of objects is expected to have for some particular purpose. A principal use of an interface is to define precisely the behavior a client requires of a server.

The syntactic structure of an interface is similar to that of a class, with the keyword interface used in place of the keyword class:

    interface Portable {
        // member declarations

An interface cannot be instantiated. Members can only be abstract methods and named constants. A method is implicitly abstract and public. A constant is implicitly static and final. By convention, keywords abstract and public are not used when specifying a method, and keywords static and final are not used when defining a constant.

    public interface Switchable {
        int state ();
        void flip ();
        int ON = 1;
        int OFF = 0;

An interface can extend any number of interfaces:

    public interface Wearable extends Portable, Buyable {

An interface cannot extend a class.

Subtyping and inheritance are as with classes. In the above example, the interface Wearable inherits members from both Portable and Buyable. The type reference-to-Wearable is a subtype of both reference-to-Portable and reference-to-Buyable.

An interface may inherit several constants with the same name. Such a constant must be qualified if used in the subinterface. For example, suppose both Portable and Buyable contained a definition of a constant IN_USE:

    public interface Portable {
        int IN_USE = 1;
    public interface Buyable {
        int IN_USE = 2;

References to these constants in Wearable requires qualification:

    public class Wearable extends Portable, Buyable {
        int IN_USE = Portable.IN_USE + Buyable.IN_USE;

An interface may inherit several methods with the same name, as long as they differ in number and/or types of parameters. If two superinterfaces both define a method with the same name and parameter types, then the return types of the methods must be identical. For example, if Portable declares a method

    void pickUp (int weight);

and Buyable declares a method

    void pickUp (double cost);

then Wearable inherits both. If Portable declares

    void pickUp (int weight);

and Buyable declares

    void pickUp (int cost);

then Wearable inherits a method named pickUp with a single int parameter. But if Portable declares

    void pickUp (int weight);

and Buyable declares

    boolean pickUp (int cost);

then Wearable cannot extend both Portable and Buyable.

A class can implement any number of interfaces, in which case it inherits their members.

    public class Room implements Cloneable, MazeFeature

A concrete class that implements an interface must override inherited abstract methods, providing implementations. Subtyping and inheritance are as explained above and in the section on classes.

Fred Hosch
Last modified: Tue Aug 7 09:12:38 CDT 2001